Thursday 6 December 2018

A catch up.

Hey guys, so from the 17th of December i'll be doing the SLJ (summer learning journey). The SLJ is a programme that the Ako Hiko cluster is doing which is basically when we have over 60 activities for us to do over the summer holidays which is set by Megan and Cia. So yeah in the holidays i'll be posting the answers to the activites and, well, yeah that's basicallyit i'll leave the link to the site down below. Blog you later guys untill the next time I post.

Tuesday 4 December 2018

Harry and Gemma Tui Street Tales

These are my Harry and Gemma slides from the book Tui Street Tales by Anne Kayes. Hope you like them they weren't finished but here they are!

Tuesday 13 November 2018

Athletics Day

These are my slides about athletics that we did. Hope you enjoy  : )

Thursday 25 October 2018

Roll a die story

This is a story that we had to finish off from the first sentence. The way this went was that we rolled the die then what ever the number it landed on was the number of words that we had to write. from the first sentence. Here's the writing that we did! Hope you enjoy : )

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Brave Descriptive Writing

These are my slides about the trailer Brave. We had to write about the landscape, what she looked like and what the bear looked like. That is basically I have to say and without further or do let's get to it.

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Dawn Raids

These are my dawn raid slides. We have been learning about the 1970's and the dawn raids. I hope that you like my slides !!!!!

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Endangered Animals DLO

This is my Endangered Animals DLO