Thursday, 17 May 2018

My Hiwi the Kiwi Writing

Would you like to know some easy fishing tips on what to extra
things to pack when you go fishing?, If you would like to know
some easy tips, well then today is your lucky day because today
I’ll be writing about how Hiwi the Kiwi, and how they came to
my school and talked about some easy fishing tips and taught us
dances and songs!
When Hiwi the Kiwi came to my school it was one of the best
experiences of my life! When Hiwi the Kiwi came they taught us
all sorts of things like, songs, dances how to fish, all sorts of
amazing and useful tips! When you go fishing make sure you
always pack  these extra things and I’ll promise you, that when
you go fishing these things will be useful! Make sure you pack you
a water gun, a ruler, a wet towel and a cooler that’s full of ice with
salt that’s mixed in with the it!

If you would like to know where a lot or at least some fish are
when you go fishing, well then you’re in luck because I’ll tell you
where they all are (or at least some)! Some people know where all the fish are because usually, there would be birds flying to the
specific spot to get some fish to eat!

You should always pack you a water gun, because if you are fishing
and you see a bird going to fly into your fishing line, you can use
your water gun to shoot the bird to warn the bird that you’re
fishing line is there and then surely, if you squirt the bird it will
fly over the fishing line and not get caught up in the line and
surely, they won’t die by getting caught up in the line! This can
also apply if you are realing your fish in and then there is a bird
that is going straight for your fish that you’ve just caught, you can
shoot them with your water gun and then surely, they’ll leave and
won’t bother trying to get you fish!

You should always pack you a wet towel because when you’ve
caught a fish then you grab your fish with the wet towel then put
it into the cooler with the salt mixed in with it, then it would last
longer. Also if you wash your fish with salt water and not fresh,
normal water, it will last much longer!

You should always use a wet towel to pick up the fish because their
scales are like sunscreen to humans. If you take off their scales
when you grab the fish with your you pick up the fish with your
hands, it’s like when someone rubs off your sunscreen then you
get sunburn. There scales are like our sunscreen, if you take off
their scales then put the fish back into the water there is a possible
chance that your fish can die!

You shouldn’t take the very big fish because you never know on
either it’s a female or a male fish!
If your big fish that you’ve caught is a female you should gently
put it back  into the water because, if you take the fish home you
could be taking home the babies home too, that haven’t even been
birthed by the mother yet!
You should always take a ruler to measure your fish to get a
perfect sized fish! The length for a perfect sized fish would be,
if you live in NZ, it would be 30 centimetres!
(This only applies to the snapper.)

Always wear a life jacket when you go fishing on boat because no
matter what. There is an even chance that you could crash and fall
out of your boat. Here I’ll tell you guys a true story about how a
little girl and her father went fishing.
One day a little girls father asked her if she wanted to go fishing
on their boat.  The little girl said yes, (2 hours later) they finally
got to their destination, they put the boat into the water and they
left on the boat. The little girl was putting on her life jacket while
her father was steering the boat. He put his life jacket in front of
him. Out of nowhere there was a log that was underneath the
water. It wasn’t high enough for them to see. The didn’t see the log then
they crashed into the log then the father and the daughter both fell
out of the boat. The daughter was OK because she had her life
jacket on. But……… the father wasn’t they were going so fast that
when they crashed the dad wasn’t fast enough to grab his life
jacket. It was very sad because the girls father didn’t survive, the
girls father died. She was in the sea for 2 hours, by the search and
rescue people, the search and rescue people are people that go out
into the sea and bring the people back onto land. The search and
rescue people found her 2 hours later in the sea. They took her
back to shore. Meanwhile, the boat that they were on was still
going, the motor was still going, the boat was just still going with
nobody steering the boat!

Try to persuade who ever takes you fishing on a boat that doesn’t
where a life jacket. If that doesn’t work, tell them this true story
about how the little girl and her father went fishing and then
surely, you’ve persuaded them enough!

If you’re principle of your school reading this. Then I recommend
that you get Hiwi the Kiwi to come to your school and talk about
fish, They'll tell you stories, they’ll also teach you songs and
dances as well!!!!!


  1. Nice work Rawinia i'll be sure to follow your advice.

    1. Thank you Ileana for using my advice maybe i'll check out yours sometime!


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